Man, LAX is pretty gnarly. Between taking photos of planes and APs, it's amazing I didn't miss a flight. First off, pretty obvious–at least in Terminal 2– that they're an all-Cisco shop. No shortage of 3702i APs anywhere.

Curiously, they also had a healthy amount of 3802e APs (“e” denotes a model with external antennas).

I’d love to know why they mixed models like this. They even had the two models fairly well intermixed; a specific model was not just in a specific area. I saw a few of the 3802e units with the LED lit green (meaning no stations were associated) which made me wonder if they were dedicated monitor APs, but then there were units like the one above with their LED lit blue (indicating at least one station associated).
As for the external antennas, at least the one above is nice and symmetrical. If not ideal from an RF perspective, at least it's purrrrdy. Then I saw this guy.

I can imagine the conversation that lead to this installation:
👨Which way do we orient the antennas? 👷… 👨Do they go horizontal? Vertical? In between? 👷Hold my coffee
On the outdoor front, LAX had what appeared to be Cisco 1572 APs mounted on all the jet bridges (again, I was only in Terminal 2).
Lots to see at LAX!